the subtle art

How To Take Back Your Life

Human nature instills in us a desire to be liked and accepted, but the pursuit of this will kill you. Good news is, you can make a conscious effort to stop giving a crap. With social media constantly shoving images in front of us, showing us what we "need" to be happy, it is more important than ever to put this in to practice. Why spend a lifetime chasing after a mirage, when you can be happy now? Now, you won’t stop giving a crap overnight, it takes a while to train your brain to do this. However, once you do I can promise you, you will feel a ton better. 

Comparison Will Kill You

You will continue to feel unworthy, unimportant, and unfulfilled the more you desire what others have. This is called the comparison game, and here's a secret: you'll lose this game every time you play it. We spend so much time comparing, that we find we are not doing. Social media is the biggest contributor to this. How many times have you gotten lost on Instagram, scrolling through photos of vacation destinations you are dying to visit, or fitness models whose bodies you would kill to have? This is an example of time you have wasted on comparing instead of living. Congrats you have lost the game. 

Play On Your Strengths

Now, we want you to be a winner, so here is our biggest tip. Be strong. We all have our faults, or weaknesses, and we may never overcome them, but we can always play on our strengths to win the game. Recognize your unique abilities and work at them daily, like a muscle they require constant training and exercise. If you are a creative type who is lousy with their finances, focus your energy on perfecting your art and creative skills, and hire an accountant. Don't waste time trying to be perfect at everything and focus on perfecting the skills you already have. 

"Greatness is merely an illusion in our minds, a made-up destination that we obligate ourselves to pursue, our own psychological Atlantis." - Mark Hanson


From this point on, the only thing holding you back are your thoughts. Once you gain control of your thoughts, you free yourself from negativity and open yourself up to happiness. So make smart choices! Stop scrolling through social media, staring at a life you'll never have, and start living the beautiful life you were meant to live. Choose to play on your strengths and think positively about yourself. Live your life to the fullest, and most importantly, don't give a crap!